Does your child love to sing? Then let them learn music and train their vocal cords to sing in-tune all the time! Even though the voice matures with age, it helps to learn singing from an early age. In our music class, we train the students in Hindustani Light music, which is enjoyable due to its strong emphasis on melody. Light music helps bridge the gap between classical and popular music and is appealing to children. Starting with Light music is a great way to develop a strong base in diverse melodies and moods which can future be explored by learning classical music in the long term . Mesmerize yourself as your child discovers their vocal range and has fun singing the songs they love! Skills to Enhance: Listening Skills Creativity Memory Concentration Patience Emotional management Course Details: Children will build a strong foundation in our beginner?s level singing class. They will learn : Introduction to music 7 basic notes Breathing exercises Shlokas Alankar Prayer Songs for kids
Price: 700 INR
Category: Music
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