Senior Patient Service Representative

This position is located at the College of Allied Health in the John W. Keys Speech and Hearing Center. Hours are 8 a.m. to 5 00 p.m. and done at noon on Fridays. Attendance is important due to small staff - up to 50 patients a week. Parking available right behind the office.Position Information Coordinates schedules of patients in an outpatient clinic and provides clerical assistance toward the smooth operation of the facility. Essential Duties Schedules patient appointments either by telephone or in person. Obtains patient demographics on new patients and updates demographics on established patients. Answers telephone calls and distributes to the appropriate personnel. Prepares and enters healthcare providers schedules into the computer. Coordinates schedules as directed to patient requiring multiple services. Greets patients as they come into the clinic for scheduled appointments. Accepts payments and writes receipts. Inspects the encounter form for completeness and accuracy. Copies insurance cards and distributes to the appropriate employee. Prepares encounter forms and billing packets for patients to be seen. May prepare and type daily deposits. Balances and closes cash box daily. Prepares ancillary forms for other services to include but not limited to x-rays vascular studies etc. Prints and faxes physician schedules to offices. Pulls patient charts for appointments or to file lab x-ray hospital information or other information into the chart. Copies medical records for patients and other providers or facilities. Files patient charts. Prepares inactive patient charts for storage. Maintains log of charts in storage. Secures charts that have been sent to storage that are needed in the clinic. Replaces torn charts with new covers. Makes up new patient charts and or packets of information. Requests medical records from other facilities. Discusses financial accounts with patients. Verifies insurance eligibility and primary care physicians for patients. Secures referrals to other providers for HMO patients. Secures referrals from PCPs for HMO patients to be seen in the clinic. Collects and verifies proof of income to determine what sliding scale discount is appropriate. Dispenses supplies as needed. Notifies appropriate person when supplies are low and need to be reordered. Types notes and letters for physicians. Makes immunization cards. Logs mail receipts according to University policy. Sorts and distributes mail. Performs various duties as needed to successfully fulfill the function of the position. Education High School Diploma or GEDExperience Required 18 months experience with a minimum of 6 months experience in a clinical environment and 12 months experience in a customer service role.Knowledge Skills & Abilities Customer service Ability to communicate verbally and in writing Ability to resolve problems in a timely manner Proficient with Microsoft Office Suite (Word Excel and Outlook) Ability to multitask and meet deadlines Ability to maintain patient confidentiality Ability to enhance professional growth and development through in-service meetings and education programs To apply please visited website s Req. 213849or contact Deborah Martin for more information at (405) 271-2288 ext. 43419 The University of Oklahoma is an Equal Opportunity Institution. Protected veterans and individuals with disabilities are encouraged to apply. The University of Oklahoma complies with the Federal COVID-19 vaccine requirement for all employees. All current and future employees must provide proof of full vaccination or request an accommodation for exemption from the Federal requirement. For detailed information regarding this requirement visit s News Coronavirus-COVID-19-Information.



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