Stainless Steel Corner Guards Windsor 1-800-638-0126

Buy Metal corner guards direct from the manufacturer and save more than 50 % from retail box store prices.We fabricate the most popular stainless steel corner guards for most applications whether its for a house school apartment building hospital or industrial.Example (2 x 2 x 48 ) 22 gauge 4 brushed finish. YOUR PRICE can be as low as 19.00 Retails for 40.00Wholesale 16 - conditions applyCheck our website the best deal for your application.www.acecornerguards.caWe also stock and sell kick plates door plates and push plates. 18 gauge 4 stainless steel brushed finish with 10 holes. Prices as low as 46.00 when you order 5 or more (8 x 34 ) Other sizes and thicknesses available. Phone call orders only. Call LauraCall Laura 416-879-9565 or 1-800-638-0126 info(at)acecornerguards.comAll of our corner guards come with a thirty day satisfaction guaranteeWe ship to Windsor Kitchener Toronto London Mississauga Hamilton anywhere in Canada and United States USA



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