Planning Engineer

How to ApplyYou MUST apply at s 2YrxorH by November 22 2021 at Midnight EST to be considered. NCDOT is a Great Place to Work.Don t take our word for it. Read what our people are saying at s NCDOTGreatPlaceToWork.We are the highest rated state agency for employee satisfaction on Glassdoor with 200 reviews. The ChallengeWe are looking for an experienced engineer to join our Division 3 Administration team in our New Hanover office. In this role you will Assist in the development of our comprehensive transportation plans for metropolitan planning organizations counties and small urban areas that serve as guidance for local policies on long-range highway transit rail bicycle airport pedestrian land use and other development plans. Assist our Transportation Planning Branch team in the collection review and validation of local data in coordination with Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) and rural planning organizations. Assist with the evaluation of environmental monetary political and societal impacts of each alternative. Assist with alternatives presentations to local elected officials municipal planning staff and local citizens at organized public meetings to solicit their input into plan formulation. Attend project meetings including project scoping meetings NEPA merger meetings and feasibility study groups to provide financial and environmental assessments to planning staff. Help coordinate with the Project Development Branch in conducting environmental studies for programmed projects. This includes assisting with engineering studies and coordination with local agencies for the early phases of project development from project scoping to purpose and need. Attend and help facilitate project public hearings by answering questions raised. Assist the Program Development Branch in project programming in the Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP) by providing transportation planning and funding data to the MPOs counties and municipalities. Assist the Strategic Planning Office in conducting the prioritization process at the Division and MPO RPO level. Prepare Excel scoring tables for project prioritization and analysis. Submit NCDOT projects to SPOT office using the SPOT online program. Mapping of projects including project limits and typical sections will be required with project submittals. Serve as liaison between MPOs Regional Planning Organizations (RPOs) the Division and central NCDOT staff by providing information and responding to information requests. Assist our multi-modal divisions (bicycle pedestrian rail public transit ferry and aviation) in developing non-highway projects to ensure consistency with various planning documents. Review and evaluate highway projects for feasibility and effectiveness of integrating non-highway features. Support and coordinate Central and Division project Feasibility Studies. What You BringThorough knowledge of the principles practices of professional civil engineering related to highway traffic engineering and transportation planning including city regional planning concepts and procedures. Knowledge of social and environmental sciences. Experience investigating preparing and communicating recommendations for traffic-related inquiries from the public and government agencies. Experience planning developing scheduling tracking and completing projects independently or with limited supervision. Customer service problem solving experience that involves explaining engineering concepts to various stakeholder groups. Experience assimilating large data sets to properly plan prioritize track progress and monitor projects and programs Knowledge of statistics and economics. Strong knowledge of NCDOT s organization and operations and municipal government. General knowledge of Federal-Aid highway planning research programming and budgeting procedures. General knowledge of auditing and accounting procedures. Ability to adequately plan schedule coordinate and conduct transportation engineering planning assignments and document and convey findings in verbal and technical report forms. Ability to train provide instructions and provide guidance to staff of other agencies and local governments on transportation systems planning work. Teamwork skills to establish and maintain effective working relationships with private and public officials and other employees. Ability to conduct independent research and development in transportation planning transportation modeling and statewide transportation policy issues. Analytical and writing skills to conduct technical report analysis and writing. Strong verbal and written communications skills including public speaking ability. Group discussion leadership skills. Management PrefersCandidates with Computer skills in Excel and ARCGIS. NC registered Professional Engineer s license. Education and ExperienceBachelor s degree in engineering and 4 years of relevant experience or An equivalent combination of education and experience. NoteWe may require you to be registered as a professional engineer by the NC Board of Examiners for Engineers and Surveyors. Questions Call me Anne Hatcher at 910-341-2013. Connect to NCDOT Careers atLinkedIn s in ncdot-careers See all NCDOT jobs at s ncdotjobs



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