Ventilator and Cardiac Ambulance Service in Hajipur Patna by Med

Do you need ventilator Ambulance Services from Hajipur Searching for safe patient transportation vehicles Medivic Ambulance Service in Hajipur Patna provides the all kinds of medical support like a medical team and in an emergency all type of equipment (Portable and hi-tech ventilator cardiac monitor suction machine infusion pump nebulizer machine oxygen cylinders etc.) is present from one bed to another bed where the needy is required under the keen supervision as well as on-call doctors advice facility.For Further Inquiries Contact Us Phone 91-9650432705 91-9560123309Email info(at)medivicambulance.comAddress - Pillar No. 61 Opposite of IGIMS Hospital 14 R.K Estates Building Axis Bank Floor Raja Bazar Patna 800014



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