Event Concession Associate

WE ARE PEOPLEREADY Staffing. It s what we know. Because we ve been providing staffing solutions putting people to work for nearly 30 years. Whether you re looking for work or you re seeking workers for your business PeopleReady is the North American leader in the industrial and on-demand staffing space. The PeopleReady located at Oklahoma City Oklahoma 73105 is currently hiring a Event Concession Associate Job Description PeopleReady is looking for Event Concession Associate. We have many Different types of events managed by professionals include weddings sporting events and corporate functions such as conference and trade shows charity fundraisers municipal festivals and more.Typical setup activities include erecting tents putting up the pipe and drape configuration that creates trade show booths setting up tables and chairs helping with audio-visual equipment hanging signs placing decorations setting out materials such as program books and putting together buffet tables. During the event you may serve as a runner bringing materials and or supplies to the various stations general cleaning and other duties as assigned. When helping to take down events you may be taking inventory of all items and packing them so they are ready for easy use at the next event and examine items after the event to make sure everything is returned intact or that damaged items are documented. Note - Pay Rate for this Job is 13 Hour. Shift Timings - All Available. Event Set Up Responsibilities Include Assisting with site setup working under the mentorship of the event manager Taking pride in the details of customer service Unload trucks and put equipment in staging areas where it will be erected or assembled Building tents putting up the pipe and drape configuration that creates trade show booths setting up tables and chairs h Assisting with take down of events taking inventory of all items and packing them so they are ready for easy use at the next event. Event Set Up Qualifications Experience working with events or other fast-paced industry preferred Ability to work in a collaborative and dynamic environment Able to remain in a stationary position for extended periods of time



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