Tire Maintenance Inspector Supervisor

APPLY TODAY As a Tire Maintenance Inspector in Goodyear Mileage you will be responsible to professionally inspect commercial transit bus tires while delivering excellent customer satisfaction. We ...Hiring Team AR NB RN AI 0 New1 Interested4 Decline5 Total0 Referrals Candidate Report Talent Matching Info Opportunity DetailsGoodyear - US EnglishTire Maintenance Inspector Supervisor - Chicago IL - 14261936-4925-41c9-a547-6c76f81dce9aChicago IL USAs goodyear.greatjob.net en position tire-maintenance-inspector-supervisor-chicago -il-chicago-il-us-1DescriptionExternal DescriptionPay 17.00IMMEDIATELY HIRING APPLY TODAY As a Tire Maintenance Inspector in Goodyear Mileage you will be responsible to professionally inspect commercial transit bus tires while delivering excellent customer satisfaction. We encourage you to allow us to invest in your success as you invest in ours apply today Responsibilities included but not limited to Responsible for vehicle inspection inflation maintenance and record keeping Managing customer interactions and satisfaction Observe and comply with all safety and liability guidelines and policies All other duties as assigned by management. Basic Requirements Position requires flexibility to work scheduled shifts including nights and weekends. No relocation is being offered for this position. Candidates must be legally authorized to work in the U.S. without company sponsorship now or in the future. Preferred Qualifications High School or GED preferred Previous commercial tire experience Position Criteria Must possess a mechanical aptitude. Strong oral and written communication ability. Must be willing to follow all safety procedures and work in a safe manner. Must be able to work in a results-oriented fast-paced environment as part of a team. Must be a self-starter and willing to take the initiative able and willing to work without direct supervision and be willing to attend appropriate training sessions.



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