High Quality ICU Services by Medilift Ambulance Service in Kolka

Medilift is providing emergency and non-emergency case solutions. We are shifting the patient by roadways and we are stationed at Kolkata for all patient transportation services by the Medilift Ambulance Services in Kolkata.Medilift has various Ambulance Services such as the cardiac Ambulance Service in Kolkata BLS ambulance and also the ICU ambulance service. We also provide the latest medical setup for patient care in journey hours to tackle every situation which may occur during the process of transportation.For Further Inquiries Contact Us Address - P 1139 Kalikapur Ps-Sharvpark Near Medica Hospital Merto Execulive Brand (Exit Gate) Oppisite - Enamiya Nkpc Post Mukandopur Pin-700099Phone 9958718258 9958718279Email info(at)mediliftambulance.in



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