Customer Service Representative - (Remote near Oklahoma City)

Maximus has immediate openings for remote Customer Service Representatives (CSR) in the Oklahoma City OK area. This position will be in support of FEMA which is the Federal Emergency Management Agency. This CSR position will be primarily assisting callers with questions and concerns around local or state emergencies. To prepare you for this role employees will be provided with paid comprehensive training which ensures our customer service representatives care for each caller with the highest levels of knowledge and professionalism. This position is a Remote - Work at Home Customer Service position. However you must be able to physically pick up your equipment at our office located at Oklahoma City. Pay and Benefits Pay rate is based on location The opportunity to work from the comfort of your home Supportive work environment to ensure success Responsibilities Taking in-bound calls and answering questions with the appropriate pre-scripted responses which must be read verbatim to provide basic general and claims-specific information Performing outbound calls to verify the authenticity of received documents Utilize standard technology such as computer telephone email and web browser to complete work tasks Complete basic data entry in computer terminal related to phone inquiries such as clicking buttons to confirm answers Refer escalated calls as needed to supervisor Requirements High School Diploma or GED equivalent required At least six (6) months of customer service required call center experience preferred Must be a U.S. citizen and have lived in the United States for 3 out of the past 5 years Must have (past or present) a DHS clearance Must be empathetic in your ability to deal with sensitive topics and information Ability to speak and read English clearly and professionally Ability to pass a federal background check Home Office Requirements Hardwired internet (ethernet) connection Internet speed of 25mbps or higher required (you can test this by going to Private work area and adequate power source All equipment will be provided by Maximus (laptop and headset) but must be picked up in our physical office located in Oklahoma City prior to your start date



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