Quality pomeranian puppies in arkansas - we ship nationwide

Pomeranian Breeder of rare and exotic colored dogs. Located in Mountain Home, Arkansas All of our puppies are raised in our home around children and other pomeranians. Our adults receive regular grooming, health care, dental cleanings and daily outdoor play time in our large, fenced in property. We offer a ONE YEAR HEALTH GUARANTEE and PET FINANCING OPTIONS. WE SHIP WITHIN THE UNITED STATES BY AIR AND GROUND. Our puppies are taken to the Veterinarian for a health exam and vaccinated before going home in addition to our one year health guarantee. We specialize in CHOCOLATES, CHOCOLATE PARTIS AND TRI COLORS, ORANGE SABLES, ORANGE PARTIS, BLUE PARTIS, CHOCOLATE AND BEAVER MERLES alond with a variety of other colors. Most of our pomeranians are TOY sized between 5 to 9 lbs grown. ALL of our pomeranians are PURE BRED and Registerable with CONTINENTAL KENNEL CLUB OR AMERICAN KENNEL CLUB. For more information, please call me directly or send me an email. * Good references from your local veterinarian may be required before I release one of my puppies/ adult dogs to you* WE DO NOT SELL TO PET SHOPS OR PET BROKERS My phone Number is 870-232-2109 Email: [email protected] Website: www.alaskatoydogs.com Facebook Page www.facebook.com/alaskatoydogs YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCK8ycmY7Hl85kbX56E92QLQ Check out our reviews on Google and Facebook! Google Page: https://g.page/r/CSVeuNhZ1qKbEAE



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