Condo 5 12 in San José de Costa Rica

Up-to-date condo in San Jos Costa Rica. 5th floor with elevators. This magnificent condo has 2 bedrooms (master bedroom with walk-in and closet) office living room dining room kitchen 2 bathrooms terrace laundry area two covered parking lots and storage space in the basement. Included stove oven dishwasher microwave fan fridge washer and dryer. Ideal for retired people wanting to enjoy a very nice temperature oscillating between 19 and 29 degrees lots of sunshine and little rain during the winter months in Canada. You will have access to a gymnasium two lounges for social events a terrace on the roof of the building with a beautiful view and place for BBQ. 967 sq. Ft. Living area. plus two parking spaces of 150 sq. ft. each plus 53 sq. ft. of storage space. Price is 230 000 US Call 450 714 1326 (no texto please) or write to me at ccandamil(at)



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