Bhagalpur ka yuva

In the recent news it was seen that the conditions of the drainage system during the monsoon is at it s worst. A bad drainage system can lead to severe damages of the people and their health. As it is known that monsoon along with soothness also brings a lot of health issues. Bhagalpur being a small town needs to be looked after very often as there are so many open runnels all along the city. Rajesh Verma being the DEPUTY MAYOR is incharge of all these activities but it is his goodnees that he does those things too which is not under his supervision. Well, he is in a way the BEST DEPUTY MAYOR as safety and security of people is his first and only motive. Since rainy season comes along with so many disease and health issues it is necessary to keep our surroundings clean. Keeping all the things in mind he take steps that will result in keeping the city and it s people safe. Being called as the YUVA NETA he never misses a chance to inspire the whole community with his hardwork and dedication. Seeing his dedication towards work many teenagers start participating and eventually it leads to a source of inspiration.



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