APPLICATIONS INVITEDLICENSED BEHAVIORAL HEALTH PROFESSIONAL INDEPENDENT CONTRACTORPosition Information Independent Contract Behavioral Health Professionals for the Pre-Admission Screening and Resident Review (PASRR) program responsible for completion of face-to-face clinical evaluations and determinations of individuals referred for a Level II. Assessments are done on individuals with a suspected or confirmed serious mental illness (SMI) and or intellectual disability or related condition (ID RC) and who are seeking admission to a Medicaid certified nursing facility. The PASRR program administered by both the Oklahoma Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuses Services and Oklahoma Health Care Authority is a statewide program. The University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center Fran and Earl Ziegler College of Nursing Care Management Program has been contracted to provide these specialized assessments with the objective of ensuring that the individuals and populations we serve will receive the appropriate care and supports necessary to improve their quality of life. Essential Functions Responsible for conducting on-site PASRR Assessments for individuals with known or suspected mental illness. Assessments include review of records individual interview interview of significant other caregiver and or family members obtaining medical records data and completing required assessment and summary reports. Ensures accurate PASRR review completion by determining appropriate level of care based on the individual s physical behavioral and psychological functioning. Responsible for completing and submitting on-site assessments within respective timeline specified adhering to quality indicators and contractual specifications utilizing electronic health record (EHR). Monitors emails consistently and responds accordingly in a timely manner. Responds to requests based on case evaluation conducted. Attend required trainings and adhere to all HIPAA compliance requirements. Review current literature PASRR regulations and research related to long-term care serious mental illness medical conditions and geriatrics. Qualifications Practitioners with a current license to practice in Oklahoma o Social Worker (LCSW)o Professional Counselor (LPC)o Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT)o Behavioral Practitioner (LBP)o Alcohol and Drug Counselor (LADC)o Advanced Practice Nurse (certified in psychiatric mental health specialty) licensed as a Registered Nurse with a current certification of recognition from the Oklahoma Board of Nursing.o Physician Assistant who is licensed in good standing in Oklahoma and has received specific training for and is experienced in performing mental health therapeutic diagnostic or counseling functions. Minimum of three (3) years of professional experience working with persons with serious mental illness and or intellectual disability in addition to experience with completing assessments for this population. Ability to determine clinical diagnosis Ability to assess and analyze psychological emotional behavioral and physical functioning Ability to develop level of care recommendations based upon clinical evaluations Ability to provide and utilize computer equipment that meets OUHSC and College of Nursing-Care Management regulations and requirements. Ability to interact with various office staff as needed to support necessary workflows Ability to interact appropriately with health care professionals patients their families and other supports Ability to communicate effectively to individuals and groups through spoken written and electronic media Ability to attend to detail effectively prioritize and execute tasks in a timely manner Travel is required to various facilities to conduct evaluations Ability to perform all job duties in compliance with Person First standards Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) guidelines and company confidentiality policies and procedures Ability to work independently with minimal day-to-day supervision Ability to provide excellent customer service and represent the University of Oklahoma HSC and the College of Nursing Care Management Program with the highest standards Interested Contractors should email a letter of intent and resume to Karissa Maddox at karissa-maddox(at) AA EOE



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