Administrative Support Coordinator

Join the staff of the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center (OUHSC) and become part of Oklahoma s premier research university which leads the state in education and career opportunities. OUHSC is one of only four comprehensive academic health centers in the nation with seven professional colleges. We are currently building world-class institutes for the treatment of diabetes and cancer. The University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center in Oklahoma City has an opening for a full-time Administrative Support Coordinator. The successful candidate will coordinate animal purchases for various species for the OU HSC research community with multiple vendors training PI s and research staff and managing animal census for accurate reporting and billing.Requirements Bachelor s Degree in Accounting Finance Business Management or related field and 36 months experience in accounting or in an administrative role. Will accept 48 months equivalent experience in lieu of a Bachelor s Degree for a total of 84 months related experience. Salary Up to 43 700 annually based on experience How do you apply for this position It s EASY All applications are online at s (then apply for job listing requisition 210937) OUHSC offers a comprehensive package to full-time staff employees Medical Dental Benefits 11 PAID HOLIDAYS per year Tuition benefits 18 hours PAID LEAVE per month to full-time staff Employee Discount Program (dozens of businesses participate across the OKC Norman area) Must apply online at s (then apply for requisition 210937) Do not send an email response to this posting. AA EOE The University of Oklahoma is an Equal Opportunity Institution. Protected veterans and individuals with disabilities are encouraged to apply.



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