Senior CookChef

Join the staff of the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center (OUHSC). OUHSC is one of only four comprehensive academic health centers in the nation with seven professional colleges. We have a full-time position available for a Senior Cook Chef.The successful candidate will assist in food preparation in a large production kitchen. Candidate must be able to plan health conscious menus have basic knowledge of kitchen equipment and supplies must be able to interpret and follow recipes. Candidate must be able to multi-task on several projects at one time must have good coordination and communication skills and be able to stand 8 to 16 hours per day if needed. Salary is up to 33 280 annually plus benefits. The hours are generally 6 30 am until 2 30 pm with some arrival times being as early as 4 00 am. Schedule could change depending on the workload and may require some evenings and weekends. Requirements High School Diploma GED or graduated from a culinary school plus 36 months of food service experience in a large production kitchen and working with large production kitchen equipment. Possession of a valid Food Handler s Certificate License or able to obtain within 6 months of employment.Skills Able to understand and convert measurements excellent knife skills excellent math skills basic knowledge of kitchen equipment and supplies able to plan health conscience menus good communication skills demonstrable fine dining cooking skills and techniques.All applications are online at s (then apply for job listing requisition number 210171)OUHSC offers a comprehensive package to full-time staff employees Medical Dental Benefits 11 PAID HOLIDAYS per year Tuition benefits 18 hours PAID LEAVE per month to full-time staff Employee Discount Program (dozens of businesses participate across the OKC Norman area)The University of Oklahoma is an Equal Opportunity Institution. Protected veterans and individuals with disabilities are encouraged to apply.



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