Laboratory Technician

All Things Bugs LLC is seeking a part time laboratory technician in Oklahoma City. This position is to assist with general laboratory maintenance and care for laboratory insects (typically crickets and mealworms but possibly others). Training will be provided. Duties will include cleaning glassware and insect cages assisting with experiments as needed DNA extractions general laboratory cleaning and organizing molecular biology (gel electrophoresis etc.) care of insect colonies insect egg collection screening for genetically engineered insects (microscope). Based on laboratory need and early evaluation of technician abilities additional training and work may be involved including micro-injection of insect eggs and higher level molecular biology work. Occasionally other laboratory work may be required including but not limited to assistance with photo and video setup (for promotional photos and videos of insects laboratory experiments and other company related content). All Things Bugs LLC is a biotech startup focused on developing insects as sustainable solutions for food agriculture and health. You can learn more about our work at our web site s cricket-powder-and-book-article Please submit your resume and a cover letter to Dr. Aaron Dossey at Aaron.T.Dossey(at)



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