Security Officer

The University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center in Oklahoma City has openings for full-time Unarmed Security Officers.The University of Oklahoma HSC Police Department Security Officers are the eyes and ears of the campus. Security Officers patrol campus buildings and parking lots ensuring the safety of staff and students. Security Officers ensure the safety and integrity of the buildings and areas assigned and report any discrepancies to department dispatchers. Security Officers observe and report suspicious persons and activities to dispatch for Campus Police response. Security Officers receive training of the campus jurisdiction safe vehicle operation and Taser certification if desired.Requirements High School diploma or GED.Certifications Licenses Valid Oklahoma driver s license CLEET Security Certification or completed Phase 1 and or Phase 2 to become certified Skills Ability to give clear and concise answers to questions and give detailed directions. Ability to be attentive to what people are saying and understand what is being said. Ability to tell when something is wrong and react to or know who to call for assistance. Ability to communicate verbally and in writing. Ability to observe receive and obtain information from all relevant sources. Strong attention to detail to detect irregularities and change in environment. Ability to calmly and professionally handle situations. Salary 15.06 per hour 31 326 annually excellent benefitsOUHSC offers a comprehensive package to full-time staff employees Medical Dental Benefits 11 PAID HOLIDAYS per year Tuition benefits 18 hours PAID LEAVE per month to full-time staffOU Tuition DiscountDependent Child tuition Waiver (free OU tuition for dependent children)Retirement Savings Plans Employee Discount Program (dozens of businesses participate across the OKC Norman area) How do you apply for this position It s EASY All applications are online at (then apply for job listing requisition 212752 AA EOEThe University of Oklahoma is an Equal Opportunity Institution. Protected veterans and individuals with disabilities are encouraged to apply.



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