Ensure Road Ambulance Service with basic and advanced medical eq

We have no confidence in our health. Your relative who is hospitalized for several days and there is no improvement in his health. And thought to take to big hospital and looking for ambulance which can take patient to good hospital bed with better care. So you can take help of ASHA Ambulance Service. This ambulance company always stands with the medical team to help such people. This Road Ambulance Service provides good ambulance service with a set of ICU specialist and all types of emergency equipment. We have all types of ambulance service as ALS Road Ambulance BLS Ground Ambulance Cardiac Ambulance Ventilate Ambulance AC Ambulance Emergency ICU Ambulance and Corp Ambulance Service. Provide their best ambulance service and medical team units to the needy persons. All the ambulance services have advanced ICU facility through which any critical patient can easily move from one city to another. Our company is available 24 7 with ambulance serviceHead Office Location in Patna House No.-25 Sector-E PC Colony Kankarbagh Patna-800020Delhi Office Ground Floor 8 9 opp. IGI Domestic Airport Mehram Nagar New Delhi Delhi 110037ASHA AMBULANCE SERVICE AAS HELPLINE NO 91 79035 20263 91 93346 91234 WEB INFO s ashaambulanceservice.com MORE INFO - s bit.ly 3d6XVz4 s bit.ly 3uRJHbcs bit.ly 3mRnCqE



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