bharathidasan university distance mba admission last date

The Centre for Distance Education (CDE) of Bharathidasan University (BDU) was recognized in the year of 1992 to serve the students who could not enter the regular colleges for higher education. As the educational programmes offered and the degrees awarded through distance mode are on par with the regular mode qualitatively there is a demand for the programmes offered by the CDE of Bharathidasan University. Therefore the area of CDE (Centre for Distance Education) was made comprehensive to enfold all the 4 Southern States and Union Territory (including Tamil Nadu Kerala Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka). As there are many study centers of CDE (Centre for Distance Education) have been set up all over India and overseas. Bharathidasan University is a government university located in Mandaiyur Tamil Nadu. The Bharathidasan University is approved by the UGC (University Grant Commission). Bharathidasan University is a private university and has been approved with A grade by NAAC.s bharathidasan-university-distance-mba



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