Having Someone to Talk to Would be Fine

Yes. Platonic is best. I value safety for all. Meetng strangers can be so... Strange. Anyway if things work in our favor then the pandemic will finally let us go but caution is still needed.Loneliness is difficult. Why not have somene to talk to It doesn t have to be so complicated. Anyway I am in my 50s but I am open to women over 21. I enjoy classical music jazz and easy listening. (I hope that doesn t sound cheap.) That should give you some feel for who I am.Life has also taught me to appreciate following dreams. We shouldn t just go to a job until we grow too old to do so. Yes we must make a living but we should also enjoy our time on earth.I live near Cerritos College and dream of the day when the Cerritos Center for the Performing Arts can truly open its doors again.Enjoy your summer.



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