How to get motivated

How to get motivatedHow can I accomplish more To accomplish your goals you need personal drive and active doing. You have to overcome barriers and keep moving forward. Success therefore requires personal motivation. So why do we often procrastinate And sometimes end up doing nothing Why do we occasionally delay some trivial thing that then develops into a crisis The How to Get Motivated Course answers those questions. It shows you how to overcome barriers to accomplish something. It provides the know-how to make work simpler and more desirable so your motivation grows.On this course you will learn The pitfalls of leaving something incomplete how it doubles your work An exercise that will help you rise above your troubles The exact anatomy of control and precisely how to direct people objects and activities in your environment.When you know what stops you from getting going you can increase your motivation and raise your effectiveness.Please call (808) 955-7771 and ask for Edwina or Wilbur for more information. We are located on Kapiolani Blvd between Piikoi and Ke eaumoku Street. Address is 1347 Kapiolani Blvd. Honolulu Hawaii 96814



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