Real estate

Godrej Hill Retreat Mahalunge 2BHK and 3BHK for the nature-loving home Godrej Hill Retreat Mahalunge is a newly launched residential tower in a township spread over 100 acres of greenery. Wouldn?t it be amazing to wake up each day to beautiful lush greenery? Breathing in fresh air, sitting in your balcony, sipping that early morning coffee? Sounds like a dream? Well, it can come true with Godrej Hill Retreat! Nestled between scenic hills and the Mula river, Godrej Hill Retreat in Mahalunge is a newly launched 2BHK and 3BHK residential project considered as Pune?s first nature resort lifestyle project by the Godrej Group. Have you ever seen a skywalk in a residential township? Well, a skywalk at a height of 100 metres and 280 metres long at Godrej Hill Retreat is first of its kind in West Pune. It is strategically located at the heart of the 100-acre township, next to 7.5 acres central park master club and heritage-bridge Call us For more details. 9503334445



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