Basic and Advanced ICU Specialist Road Ambulance Service in Patn

There is some such reason in our daily life. That we have to go to the doctor forcibly in the same way there is more emergency in which we are not in a condition to walk and go. Ambulance is needed in such a situation in which we want to get ambulance with all the advanced and expert care and try to stand in the hope of such people. Asha Ambulance Service which provides all types of ambulance service all over India. Takes responsibility for transferring patients.With the help of Road Ambulance Service in Patna the patients of all departments take the responsibility of reaching the hospital mentioned by them. Asha Ambulance Service helps patients move from one city to another under the supervision of ICU specialist doctors nurses paramedics. Our ambulance is fully equipped with all the advanced equipment. To get this service you just have to make a call this ambulance will be with you in no time. It helps patients 24 7 hours.Our Office Location in Patna House No.-25 Sector-E PC Colony Kankarbagh Patna-800020ASHA AMBULANCE SERVICE AAS HELPLINE NO 91 79035 20263 91 93346 91234 GMAIL INFO ashaambulancepatna(at)



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