Class for Improving a Relationship

Class for Improving a Relationship Do you want to improve your relationship Do you want to have better communication together or have more understanding together Do you feel that both of you should be more patient with each other Do you feel that the future of your relationship is a bit uncertain and you want to make sure that the relationship will work out and last Well this is what you need to do Come to our class and learn about how to improve communication understanding and trust with each other. This class will help you improve yourself and your relationship. This is vitally important. Your relationship may very well depend on this class. Our classrooms are open 7 days a week including weekday evenings. Many scheduling options are available. You just need to come in and pick your course slots. Each class usually lasts about 2-3 weeks long. You would come in about 3 times each week for the class. Please reply by email or call Edwina or Wilbur at (808) 955-7771 if you are interested. We are located on Kapiolani Blvd between Piikoi and Ke eaumoku Street. Address is 1347 Kapiolani Blvd. Honolulu Hawaii 96814



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