Blood bank refrigerators in switzerland

Are you looking for Ultra Low freezer in Switzerland? Blood Bank Refrigerators are devices intended for the safe storage of whole blood and blood components (e.g. blood cells or plasma) at temperatures ranging from 2°C to 6°C. Specially designed for blood transfusion services, blood processing centers, blood banks, and hospitals, our Blood Bank Refrigerators meet the highest regulatory requirements. On top of being compliant with the DIN 58371 and Önorm K 2030, they are also classified as medical devices Class II(a) (EU), Class II (FDA) and are AABB standards-compliant. All models deliver high performance in terms of temperature control, energy consumption, noise level, and monitoring solution. If you have any doubt, you can reach through the details given below. For more information click here: Facebook: Twitter: Phone no: + 3529207311 Fax: (+ 352) 92 07 31-300 Email: [email protected]



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