Arne s Sewer and Septic Service

Arne s Sewer and Septic Service has been proudly serving residences in northeastern Oregon and rural areas for over 30 years. Our licensed bonded and insured staff uses state-of-the-art tools and equipment to successfully diagnose your sewer problems. We also have a variety of vehicles to accommodate any imaginable job. We are still locally owned by Arne and your experience with us will have a hometown personal feel. Arne s Sewer and Septic Service now offers a full line of septic tanks and uses Gould s Pumps. Providing our customers with quality service they have come to expect is our goal. Sewer and Septic Services can be very costly and you can rely on us to get the job done right the first time. Arne s Sewer and Drain Cleaning is the best equipped and most experienced drain cleaning company in eastern Oregon. Each of our trucks is equipped with an array of traditional cable-cleaning machines a high pressure jetting system high resolution color video camera systems and other powerful tools and equipment for tackling the toughest jobs. Arne s provides fast and affordable service to even the most rural areas of northeastern Oregon. Arne s specializes in providing portable toilets for all types of events whether it involves a small intimate group or a sizable crowd. We serve all of northeastern Oregon. Call Us Now



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