Experienced and Safe Road Ambulance Service in Nagaon Assam by M

Medivic road Ambulance Service from Nagaon Assam is the most experienced safe and fastest ambulance service provider. We are always ready to face any emergency or non-emergency situations. Our ambulances are equipped with all medical equipment and life support facilities to transfer the patient from one place to another without causing any harm to the patient.We provide ambulances in a single call and offer round-the-clock service. Medivic Ambulance Service in Nagaon Assam provides both AC and Non AC ambulances as per the patient s requirement.For Further Inquiries Contact Us Address - Tarun Nagar Path G S Road Near Rajib Bhawan In Front Of Dona Planet Guwahati Assam 781005 781003Phone 91-9560123309 91-9264470192Email info(at)medivicaviation.com



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