Truss Builder

We are currently hiring for 1st shift Truss Assembly positions in Anthony TX. This is an excellent opportunity to work with a local manufacturing company. Note - Pay Rate for this Job is 10 Hour. Responsibilities Frequently lifting wooden truss components and other pre-cut lumber. Will start by plate picking back plating or board catching. Standing for long periods of time with repetitive motion. Qualifications Must be able to lift up to 50-75 lbs repetitively Be able to provide own hammer belt hanger and 25-35 foot tape measure Bending stooping and grasping repetitively Physical exertion is required Safety Toed Boots Shoes required (must provide for yourself) Must be able to wear protective eye wear for entire shift Basic math and measurement proficiency. Must be able to read drawings and specifications. Ability to follow established safety processes. Our national teams provide expertise in flexible industry-specific solutions for construction hospitality manufacturing and logistics marine transportation warehousing and distribution waste and recycling and many other industries.



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