Ladakh Super Saver

Ladakh Super Saver6Days 5NightsInclusions-Flight ticket-4 hotel stay-Transfer Through Cab-Meal STARTING FROM 25540 INR. ( March 2021 to JULY 2021)Overview - A tour to the spectacularly arid mountains and barren valleys of Leh Ladakh dotted by white washed monasteries and Tibetan palace and forts is a surreal experience. Enjoy this amazing five day tour and you will return with indelible memories of a lifetime. You also get the chance to drive down the highest motorable road which is through the Khardung La pass at 18 380 ft as well view the enchanting Pangong lake. Glaciers jagged mountains remote villages stupas and rivers criss-cross as you explore this fantastic destination and its unique culture and cuisine that is sure to leave you awe-struck



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