The Grand Golden Ranthambore With Couple

The Grand Golden Ranthambore With Couple.4Days 3nightInclusions- 4 hotel remain- Transfer through Cab- MealBeginning FROM -15999 - INR Overview -After your arrival in Delhi a Yatra representative will guide your transfer to Jaipur.The Pink City of India Jaipur is the one of the popular tourist attractions of the country. It was one of the first few planned cities of India built by the erstwhile king of Amber. Like other cities of Rajasthan Jaipur also houses royal forts havelis and palaces with mesmerizing artwork and ingenious design. In addition to this vibrant colorful bazaars also draw a number of tourists. After reaching the hotel in Jaipur complete check-in formalities and enjoy a comfortable overnight stay. Early in the morning check-out from the hotel and head towards Agra.



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