2008 Damon Astoria For Sale In Kerman California 93630

2008 Damon Astoria For Sale In Kerman California 93630 Get ready for your next adventure with this 2008 Damon Astoria This Class A RV is 38.83 feet in length and features a charming floor plan that can comfortably accommodate up to eight guests. Powered by a Cummins I6 Diesel Pusher engine that is mated with a Allison 6-speed automatic transmission that offers an impressive 340 horsepower. This impressive Class A RV comes equipped with four large slide-outs one awning auto leveling jacks and back up camera. This Damon Astoria has been very well maintained and garaged kept with minimal use which has enabled its excellent condition This 2008 Damon Astoria is perfect for anyone who appreciates a quality residential living experience right on the campsite. With top of the line amenities throughout you can easily make this spacious Class A RV your next home away from home. It comes with exceptional options and features that offer the ideal combination of comfort and convenience. Highlights of these Features include Great Cooking Area with A Three Burner Cook Top and Microwave OvenRefrigerator FreezerDouble Kitchen SinkDinette With Chair SeatingTelevisionSurround SoundDVD CD StereoSofa SleeperTheater SeatingLarge Bathroom With ShowerWasher Dryer IncludedMaster King Size BedMaster TelevisionFull Size Master Closet Dresser And So Much More This 2008 Damon Astoria is the ideal set-up for anyone looking to make their traveling dreams come true Perfect for anyone looking to create lasting memories with loved ones and friends. Don t miss out on this amazing opportunity to truly cherish your RV experiences. This Class A Motorhome is priced well below its true value so call today for more information on how this incredible 2008 Damon Astoria can be yours



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