Recycling Associate

WE ARE PEOPLEREADYStaffing. It s what we know. Because we ve been providing staffing solutions putting people to work for nearly 30 years. Whether you re looking for work or you re seeking workers for your business PeopleReady is the North American leader in the industrial and on-demand staffing space. The PeopleReady located at Pendleton IN is currently hiring a Recycling Associate. Job Description Are you passionate about pitching in to improve our planet Are you a self-starter who takes initiative to make a positive change PeopleReady is looking to add Recycling Associates in a fast-growing industry. Recycling can be accomplished in expected ways such as using recycled paper as packaging material or in unexpected ways like using glass to make artificial turf. Recycling helps conserve limited resources and it has other environmental benefits as well. As a Recycling Associate you will work along conveyor belts and as waste materials come down you would pull out any items that cannot be recycled. You will sometimes work as a quality control inspector and remove unwanted materials from a single stream. Does this position sound like a solid fit Then we would love to have you apply by clicking the link above.Note Pay Rate for this Job is 11 Hour.Responsibilities Include Sorting and cleaning materials into appropriate containers for recycling Cleaning recycling yard equipment and maintaining recycling collection equipment. Removing chemicals from discarded appliances Depositing recoverable materials into chutes or placing materials on conveyor belts Operating balers to compress recyclable materials into bundles or bales. Operating machines to load items onto trucks for shipping to other recycled materials processing facilities. Qualifications Prior experience in recycling yard preferred Able to occasionally lift up to 50 pounds and reach bend push pull and climb. Flexibility to work in all weather conditions. Able to remain in a stationary position for up to 10 hours To begin your journey go to s jobs PR-1209509 Recycling-Associate Connect and network online with us s PeopleReadys company peoplereadys _PeopleReadys channel UCMdTbGeEvNwF7phVPT74TAg We will get to know you and connect you with jobs that match your skills experience and preferences. We work hard every single day to find jobs so each employee has opportunity and variety in their work.PeopleReady is an equal opportunity employer and we value diversity. We do not discriminate based on race religious affiliation color national origin gender age marital status sexual orientation veteran status or disability.



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