All Faculties and Capabilities in ICU Ambulance Service in Patna

Either your patient is in ICU supportive room or he or she is inward if you need to transfer him or her out of this city then immediately call us. There are various patients are going to Delhi or another major city hospital in the lack of health improvement. Here It is an ISO Certified Ambulance Service Company- ASHA keep on shifting them round the clock. This is the ICU proven ICU setup based ambulance service provides all types of medical evacuation services such as- Air Charter Medical Flight Commercial Stretcher Train Ambulance Cardiac Care Advanced Life Support Ambulance Basic Life Support Ambulance Ventilator and Oxygen Support Ambulance Emergency ICU Setup Ambulance and Specific ICU Ambulance Service. Basically this is the most demanding ambulance service in Patna as well as Muzaffarpur however it provides this cardiac ambulance support in all over Bihar. It is the ICU Ambulance Service in Patna that has all the capabilities to manage the serious or ward patients easily. One of the ICU Specialists (Doctors Paramedics and ICU Personnel) does take care of the patients from the primary door to the new admission door. During this medical journey all the sets of emergency equipment are adjusted in a good manner by which the patient gets proper treatment. If you are the needy one who requires urgently this ambulance service then call us soon.ASHA AMBULANCE SERVICE AAS Helpline No 91 79035 20263 91 93346 91234email info info(at)



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