Choose 247 Hours Full-Supportive ICU Ambulance in Patna ASHA

With the full of emergency ICU support ASHA Ambulance Service provides all types of medical setup in Cardiac Ambulance. If your newborn baby is in the ICU room of Patna hospital and the doctors have suggested you take him to Delhi or another major city. Then you have to call Asha Ambulance Service in Patna that has all the emergency privileges to carry your baby. Especially this ambulance service provides Private Charter Aircraft Medical Flight Commercial Stretcher Cardiac Care Ground Ambulance Basic Lifesaver Ambulance Ventilator Ambulance Oxygen Support Ambulance Emergency 24 Hours ICU Setup Ambulance and Train Ambulance Services.This emergency full-supportive ICU Ambulance Service in Patna always provides your patients to all faculties of experienced Medical ICU Specialists. The EMT Team is well-equipped with all the necessary emergency equipment sets such as- Ventilator Cardiac Monitor Suction Pump Respirator Infusion Machine Nebulizer Oxygen Cylinders Pacemaker Defibrillator and the entire standard life stocks. Our medical transfer service is based on from one door to the destination door. We are available to all the needy people on-phone round the clock.ASHA AMBULANCE SERVICE AAS Helpline No 91 79035 20263 91 93346 91234email info info(at)



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