Better Quality Higher Safety Cardiac Ambulance in Patna ASHA

Every patient s care is our responsibility whenever his relative comes into contact with us. Hello This is an ISO Certified Asha Ambulance Service located at Kankarbagh in Patna Bihar. We are your patient s caretaker in the ambulance service. Our services are Cardiac Care Ground Ambulance Basic Life Saver Road Ambulance Train Ambulance Air Charter Ambulance Commercial Stretcher and Emergency ICU Ambulance. We are operating all the above emergency ambulance services from Patna to Delhi or another major city hospital round the clock.Actually inside the ambulance service it must be better quality and higher safety in connection with the patient. Here ASHA Cardiac Ambulance in Patna is well-set emergency supplies inside the ambulance. Not only ventilator but also we provide Infusion machines cardiac monitor suction pump nebulizer oxygen cylinder and so on. Our ambulance journey is totally based on from one bed to the referred bed where our ICU experts pay their 100% in this medical transportation services. If you are the needy ones then always call us for this cardiac ambulance service from Patna. We are accessible to you round the clock on-phone.ASHA AMBULANCE SERVICE AAS Helpline No 91 79035 20263 91 93346 91234email info info(at)



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