CA Final Costing SCM and PE(New Course)-Batch by Parag Gupta Sir

ENROLLMENTS OPEN for OUR LATEST SCM& PE BATCH. YOU WILL GET WITH THIS COURSE THE MOST UPDATED STUDY MATERIAL OF CA FINAL COSTING CLASSES (EDITION 14). Classes & books are updated as per Dec 2020 Study Material released by ICAI.Why Parag Gupta Sir is considered as best Faculty for CA Final Costing Only Parag Gupta sir covers in-depth case-study based approach introduced by ICAI in the CA Final Costing Classes(SCMPE CA Final) of the New Course. He gives equal emphasis to both numerical and subjective topics (including case studies and case scenarios) and covers case studies questions asked in various international examination papers such as ACCA CIMA CPA etc. You will be guaranteed the best-updated study material for CA Final Costing(SCMPE CA Final).



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