Well-ICU Recognized Cardiac Care Ambulance in Patna ASHA

Do you need a high-tech fully-ICU recognized Cardiac Care Ambulance Service in Patna soon Then you can strongly believe in Asha Ambulance Service because it is the only road-way ambulance in Patna which is first medically certified. This ambulance service is shifting the patients for all the moment of time day-night only on a single call. Basically this emergency ambulance service has all the mediums of medical evacuation such as Air Charter Ambulance Cardiac Care Ambulance Basic Life Saver Ambulance Oxygen System Ambulance AC Ambulance Emergency ICU Ambulance Commercial Stretcher and Train Ambulance.According to the requirement of the patient we prepare the emergency setup in all ambulance services. Our Reliable and Experienced Medical Teams make these ambulance journey preparations. Asha Ambulance Services in Patna is a full-time medical dispatching service privileges where the patient lifts from the primary place and admits to the destination hospital bed. We always adopt all the responsibilities of the patient heartily and monitor him or her carefully.Apart from patients transportation Asha Ambulance Services provide all the tracts and vehicles of dead body shifting from Patna to anywhere in India. These sacred body services are Coffin Box Freezer Box Embalming Funeral Activities and Mortuary Van. We are regulating all the above-mentioned services for all the time being. The needy one can contact us on-phone to get instant help.AHSA AMBULANCE SERVICEHELPLINE 91 79035 20263 91 93346 91234 EMAIL ID info(at)ashaambulanceservice.com



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