Take Sanitized Patna ICU Ambulance Service ASHA

There is the time that never gives us a retake chance. The past time never comes back but it teaches us many lessons to do so or not to do so. The medical zone is the place where time expertise experience safety and many other things are very significant for the needy person. We are punctual expert and long-time experienced an emergency and accidental patient transfer service privileges. We are known as 24 7 Hours ASHA Ambulance Service that is easily receivable to any class of people online by email and on the phone.It is the time where your loved one patient is admitted to ICU but there is no improvement in his health. According to the consultant doctors he needs further medical treatment going out of Patna. Then you want Patna ICU Ambulance Service that keeps your patient in accordance with his requirement during the journey. ASHA Ambulance Service heals all the emergency and high caring medical requirements by supplying the entire sets of ICU equipment. India s most trustworthy ICU Specialists monitor the patient from the primary place to the destination place. They are responsible experienced and familiar with your patient. Call us 24 7 at any time. We are always online and on the phone to take a rapid response.Our Office Avenue in Patna Reg. Office B 152 P C Colony Rd Housing Board Colony Kankarbagh Patna Bihar-800020Main Office House No-25 Sector-E PC Colony Kankarbagh Patna Bihar-800020Associates Office IGIMS Sheikhpura Patna Bihar 800014 ASHA AMBULANCE SERVICE AAS Helpline No 91 79035 20263 91 93346 91234 Email id info(at)ashaambulanceservice.com



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