ASHA Ambulance Service in Patna Road Ambulance Cardiac Care Am

Asha ambulance services that help relocate patients with medical emergencies. We help patients to move from one region to another or sometimes to another country. In which MD doctors and paramedics are always ready to take care of the patient. In this service all medical equipment is provided. Such as ventilators cardiac monitors suction machines infusion pumps nebulizer machines oxygen cylinders external pacemakers defibrillators emergency medicines and all basic and life stock critical care support advanced life support and basic life support assistance. Asha Ambulance in Patna takes responsibility to provide service 365 days 24 7 hours anywhere in India from Patna Bihar. We provide the best bed-2-bed facility to the patient to meet all your expectations. Under this service patients can travel comfortably safely and without any high demand.ASHA Ambulance Service in Patna provides better sources of ambulance service -Experienced doctors and paramedics accompany patients for safe and comfortable travel. This service takes responsibility of reaching the hospital as indicated by the patient. All the best emergency medical and equipment is provided. This service takes the responsibility of providing 24 7hours service. Helpline 91 79035 20263 91 93346 91234 Email ID info(at)



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