A Perfect Reflection of Ventilator Ambulance Service in Patna A

The perfect reflection always gives us satisfaction and the most confidence do you think so. If it is right then once you must consider yourself in the emergency medical evacuation time. This is a sensitive time for your needy person or loved one person. Therefore always confirm your ambulance or medical booking after a deep verification. Hello we are an ISO 9001 2015 Certified Ambulance Service Company in Patna that has the authorization to transfer any type of severe patient. This ambulance service is working in shift day-night where any needy person can contact us on-phone or office anytime.Asha Ambulance Service AAS is people s most demanding Ventilator Ambulance Service in Patna presently. This ambulance service is based on mechanical ventilation and a well-occupied Intensive Care Unit Setup. The main priority inside the ambulance is the ventilator because the patient survives with ventilator life support. This emergency ambulance service provides a thorough medical setup for all departments of ICU patients. Basically this ambulance service is used to shift the patients from one hospital to another hospital. This ventilator ambulance is available in Air Ambulance Train Ambulance and Ground Ambulance for all time.Our Office Avenue in Patna Reg. Office B 152 P C Colony Rd Housing Board Colony Kankarbagh Patna Bihar-800020Main Office House No-25 Sector-E PC Colony Kankarbagh Patna Bihar-800020Associates Office IGIMS Sheikhpura Patna Bihar 800014 ASHA AMBULANCE SERVICE AAS Helpline No 91 79035 20263 91 93346 91234 Email id info(at)ashaambulanceservice.com



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