Purchasing Manager

About the CompanyRoyal Classical Agriculture is an international trading company. Our products cover a wide range of areas focusing on peanuts apples and specific required products. With competitive prices and quality products we have been able to sell a large number of food products and established an operating base in Vancouver Canada. Today we have established successful partnerships with major American Canadian retailers such as Walmart TnT and Van Whole. Due to the expansion of our business we are looking for The Purchasing Manager who will be responsible for managing planning and organizing the purchasing activities of the company.Position Purchasing ManagerJob type Full-time PermanentHours 40 hrs weekWage 22-28 hour Work Location 730 Chester Rd Delta BC Canada V3M 6J1Job Responsibilities Duties Manage purchasing activities and establish purchasing processes and procedure Evaluate and analyze purchasing trend and price trend to identify forecasting demand and minimize purchasing costs. Determine purchasing plan develop and implement purchasing strategies prepare cost estimates and manage budgets. Evaluate suppliers review product quality and supervise purchasing staff ensuring that all procured products meet the required quality standards Develop and maintain relationship with vendors or suppliers negotiate contracts resolve claims or complaints with vendors Maintain supplier data base purchasing records and related documentation Manage supervise and evaluate daily work of the department staff. Other duties as assigned. Job Requirements 5 years experience in purchasing Proven leadership and organization ability with at least 3 years of managerial experience At least three years diploma major in business administration commerce or economics preferred Good English speaking and writing skills Detail oriented. Organized and efficient. Safety-minded. Benefit One-to-one specialized training on products Two weeks of paid vacation after one year of employment If you re interested in this position please email us your resume to royal(at)cagrain.com



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