Best B.Tech College in Lucknow for a Successful Career

With the rapid growth in science and technology students tend to be more interested in pursuing B.Tech. degree after the completion of their 10 2 education. Students who pursue science stream in their higher secondary level generally have a knack for innovation and research work. The best B.Tech College in Lucknow like the Babu Banarasi Das University helps you pursue your dreams. They provide the best facilities which help the students to gain overall development in this field and become successful in all their future endeavours.For more Information Contact Us Address Babu Banarasi Das UniversityBBD City Faizabad Road Lucknow Uttar Pradesh - 226 028 IndiaPhone no 91-(522)-6196300 301 302 91-(522)-6196315 16 17 18Fax no 91-(522)-6196222Mail Id info(at)



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