PVC Laser Etched Custom Personalised Pet Plate

Your pet deserves a home as special as yours Add some character to their living space with a personalised pet plate from Miniplate.com.au. MiniPlate.com.au custom pet plates provide two lines of text and can accommodate at total of up to 12 letters or numbers on the top row of text and 15 letters or numbers on the bottom row of text. This includes any spaces in between.Mini Plate regular pet plates are 20cm long and 8cm tall. Our large pet plates are 29cm long and 9cm tall.All of our pet plates are made to order and hand made. Constructed using an extremely high quality 3mm 100% waterproof PVC plastic it is carefully finished with rounded corners for a clean finish. The pet plate lettering is laser inscribed meaning this plate will last for up to 10 years.For more details pet name plate visit s miniplate.com.au products custom-personalised-pet-plate



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