High Quality Floor Hardener for Concrete Floor

Floor hardener is a liquid or dry mixture of chemicals or other synthetic substances that become resistant to dense water. It also creates a non-slip surface. It is used in specific prescribed proportions providing extra to concrete floors with double the extra stiffness and 50% extra life. Particles of a certain size increase the density of the concrete filling small gaps so that it can break up into smaller parts and avoid falling out of the concrete floor.Floor hardeners are mainly available in Two variants (1) Metallic Floor Hardener. (2) Non Metallic Floor Hardener.Satiates supplies floor hardeners at best price in India which is widely used in the field of civil engineering. These floor hardeners are manufactured by reputed manufacturers who manufacture them as per industry standards. They use high grade raw materials for production. Hardeners on these floors are tested on various parameters before delivering to customers to ensure they are thoroughly inspected. Call for More Details of floor hardener 91 9960602620Visit us www.satiates.in sika-chapdur-floor-hardner.php



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