2013 John Deere 2623VT

2013 John Deere 2623VT For Sale in Gretna Manitoba Canada R0G0V0 Get ready to maximize your efforts in the field with this 2013 John Deere 2623VT. This vertical tillage tool has been well maintained by one owner which has enabled its like-new work ready condition. This implement is 33 feet 7 inches wide and has only been used for 3 800 acres which means that there is a lot of life left in this machine. Nothing runs like a Deere and this 2623VT is no exception This 2013 John Deere 2623VT is field ready and eager to help you start generating revenue right now. If you are someone who appreciates quality equipment at a great price than you owe it to yourself to check out this 2623VT. Don t miss out on this amazing opportunity to gain industry success. Call today for more information on how you can put this industrious vertical tillage tool to work for you



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