Timber Doors Galton Supplies- Townsville

Galton Supplies are suppliers of Australian made timber doors to secure your property and to provide private space. With a long-standing presence in the Townsville and North Queensland Region we have created long-term partnerships with many commercial builders by supplying them with solid core doors hollow core doors fire doors sliders hatches cladded doors and much more. We make cutbacks and also install vision panels to new and existing doors.In Townsville North Queensland Galton Supplies is the best quality Australian-made timber door supplier from the last thirteen years. We supply timber doors in various sizes at very affordable pricing and use excellent quality wood for timber doors. We supply to both the residential and commercial sectors of the construction industry. All of our products are locally handmade by skilled craftsmen from our production facility in Townsville Queensland. Galton SuppliesUnit 3 17 Camuglia Street Garbutt Queensland 4814(07) 4774 8255E-mail- admin(at)galtonsupplies.com.au



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