An LCD Video Business Card is a Game-Changer

We have now entered the digital era where all the information is exchanged online however physical marketing collateral is still needed when it comes to closing a particular deal. Making a unique and attractive business card is important to give the right impression to clients.Research shows that 88% of handed out business cards get thrown out in a less than a weeks time. This usually happens because of a boring unattractive design. Usually your desirable client throws your business cards away if he she don t find it attractive. If it is a video business card is full of color and tells an interesting story they will definitely keep it.Check out some of the tips to Create a Standout Business Card s blogs news an-lcd-video-business-card-is-a-game-changerC ontact us Ph 813.803.5200 Address 4524 Marlin Lane Palmetto FL 34221 Website s blogs news how-can-direct-mail-go-digital



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