
Party Rentals 4 Less PRICE LIST10 PACKAGES1.) 10 X 20 Regular Canopy with walls and lights 4 tables and 20 chairs Basic Jumper 135 DOLLARS2.) 12 X 20 Regular Canopy with walls and lights 5 tables and 25 chairs Basic Jumper 145 DOLLARS3.) 15 X 20 Regular Canopy with walls and lights 6 tables and 32 chairs Basic Jumper 165 DOLLARS4.) 20 X 20 Regular Canopy with walls and lights 8 tables and 46 chairs Basic Jumper 195 DOLLARS5.) 12 X 30 Regular Canopy with walls and lights 8 tables and 46 chairs Basic Jumper 195 DOLLARS6.) 16 X 30 Regular Canopy with walls and lights 9 tables and 52 chairs Basic Jumper 205 DOLLARS7.) 20 X 30 Regular Canopy with walls and lights 10 tables and 60 chairs Basic Jumper 235 DOLLARS8.) 12 X 40 Regular Canopy with walls and lights 10 tables and 60 chairs Basic Jumper 235 DOLLARS9.) 16 X 40 Regular Canopy with walls and lights 11 tables and 70 chairs Basic Jumper 265 DOLLARS10.) 20 X 40 Regular Canopy with walls and lights 12 tables and 80 chairs Basic Jumper 280 DOLLARS11.) 20 X 50 Regular Canopy with walls and lights 15 tables and 100 chairs Basic Jumper 345 DOLLARS12.) 20 X 60 Regular Canopy with walls and lights 16 tables and 120 chairs Basic Jumper 375 DOLLARS Please note We have square on small round tables. Also if you don t want the jumper take off 50 dollars off price. Chairs comes in different colors E-mail me or text me for a free quote Contact informationParty Rentals 4 LessCell phone 323-714-4622Warehouse number 323-240-2696E-mail chavez089(at)



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