Epoxy Zinc Rich Primer Coating To Enhance Corrosion Resistance

Epoxy zinc rich primer coating is belongs to zinc coatings which are applied to protect ferrous surfaces from corrosion. So the zinc based primer coating provides cathodic protection for the steel surfaces. Because zinc is anodic to steel these particles corrode first thus protecting the ferrous substrate beneath the primer from corrosion.Being a trustworthy enterprise Protexion presenting a comprehensive assortment of epoxy zinc rich primer coating. Our offered product is highly demanded for the purposes of coating oil tankers. Our epoxy zinc rich coating is appreciated in the market for their features such as high water solvency and accurate composition. Moreover this range can be availed in the market at industry leading prices.Visit us - www.protexion.in zinc-rich-coating-and-paint.phpContact us - 9011958800



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