Good Health with Good Road Ambulance in Patna ASHA

Health is one of the priceless ornaments which can never be bought. Good health always keeps a good mind and inspires us to do the best thing. Swami Vivekananda said If Money is lost nothing is lost. Health is lost something is lost. Character is lost everything is lost. Therefore we always take care of both health and character. In Patna Asha Ambulance is one of the most responsible and quick medical transportation services that are shifting the patients round the clock. This ambulance service regulates this ambulance service inside Patna and out of Patna.Basically this Road Ambulance in Patna has all types of roadway vehicles such as- Force Traveller Winger Omni Bolero Sumo Marshal and Scorpio. These above vehicles make two forms of ambulance Advanced Cardiac Life Support Ambulance (ACLS) and Basic Life Support Ambulance (BLS). The ACLS Ambulance is used to carry the most serious or emergency patients whereas The BLS Ambulance is used to shift the normal patients. According to the ambulance types Asha Ambulance Service always arranges A to Z medical supplies inside both ambulances. Besides these road ambulance services this ambulance also offers Charter Aircraft Medical Flight Commercial Stretcher and Train Ambulance Service. Any needy person can reach us online or on phone. We will be helping you in all ways and means.Our Office Avenue in Patna Reg. Office B 152 P C Colony Rd Housing Board Colony Kankarbagh Patna Bihar-800020Main Office House No-25 Sector-E PC Colony Kankarbagh Patna Bihar-800020Associates Office IGIMS Sheikhpura Patna Bihar 800014 ASHA AMBULANCE SERVICE AAS Helpline No 91 79035 20263 91 93346 91234 Email id info(at)



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